
This comment more on the fundamental need for any organisation to continuously improve their internal processes to be increasingly competitive in a fierce industry where that does not change disappears. Every day growing competition, new companies are willing and have the ability to deliver more value to the customer at a price equal and in many cases less than the one proposed by our companies, this would also add not very good national customs controls that allow the entry of merchandise without paying due taxes, aspect that generates that many products are available for purchase at very attractive prices for the consumer and that there is unfair competition.To keep our companies must seek organizational efficiency, but that isn’t this in discussion for any Manager or official, the problem to be discussed: how to achieve organizational efficiency?, where to start?, what is the first step to follow?. Establish what happened to follow isn’t simple, or something that can be taken lightly with decisions subjective. Several national organizations have initiated processes of implementation of systems of quality management, the establishment of quality circles, the use of the 6 sigma methodology of 5S, among others, but unfortunately have not had the success expected and publicised prior deployment to be a puzzle pieces placed in the wrong place. Entire process, change improvement must be part of a general alignment of the organizational system that focuses on the key factors of success of the enterprise and industry to that of the expected results.To make your organization efficient first concentrate its efforts on analyzing that it is what really makes it work as a company. Newly from this understanding (actually few national companies, by hard to believe as it seems do not know really) you can design a strategy that takes into account the entire organization as a whole and perfect the process of realization of the product that allows meet and exceed the expectations of the customer in a cost-effective manner.

The Organization

The rest of the study material: books, pamphlets of laboratory and computer programs, self assessment material, tables, charts, etc., as in all teaching, is the basis of success or failure. In face-to-face lessons, with a direct and permanent contact with the teacher, it is possible to carry out on-the-fly corrections, changes or amendments to both the program and the study material. In blended or non attendance plans, material must not be modified or changed, in view of the problems that this would represent, rather a severe revision of the same must be done before providing students, bearing in mind that subsequent changes do not benefit anyone 2. The Organization appears according to the diagram in annex 2 which represent the links between the Guide, text, and other materials complementary designed for this purpose in accordance with the above explanations. As annex 3 describes how to organize some materials: tables that could serve as examples of how to orient the content, here is the orientation of the module 1 physical I. The proposal of course all terrain model, is based on the use of distance education methods, and proves to be a viable subject that as paradigm allows be used in any pedagogical circumstance 6, the same levels are outlined in an official document from the Vice Presidency of teaching from the University of Granma… Final considerations: Is of enormous importance, from all points of view, whether educational, psychological, economic and social subjects Assembly all-terrain, for which there is to establish a pedagogical model consistent with the circumstances in which the process which can be the blended unfolds or remote, where there are to ensure compliance with the essential requirements of each one of them. The structure of the subjects for the acquisition of knowledge and skills change, this work proposes structures for content modules, and this in turn by courses and projects solving experimental problems in that role a transcendent the use of NICTs are inserted inside them.

World Transplant Registry

Madrid, the national organisation of transplants (ONT) 25/10/2010.-received last Friday the Prince of Asturias for 2010 international cooperation Award for their contribution to scientific and clinical practice for carrying out transplants of organs around the world, as well as the coordination of the activities of donation, extraction, preservation, distribution and exchange of organs, tissues and cells in the international and Spanish health care system. The jury, chaired by Antonio Garrigues Walker, has highlighted the international leadership of the ONT by have been placed to Spain at the head of transplant systems in the world and driven the World Transplant Registry. The Prince of Asturias cooperation 2010 award joins the long list of successes achieved by the ONT since its foundation in 1989. The management of the Organization has allowed carrying out of about 70,000 transplants of solid organs and more than 200,000 tissues and cells. The solvency of the Spanish model has prompted the Council of Europe to recommend States members who adopt their guidelines and this year has adopted the EU directive on quality and safety of transplants with the advice of the organization.

The ONT will share the prize with the Transplantation Society, international organization that leads all the aspects concerning the human transplant. Advances in research among the most outstanding advances in the ONT in recent years include transplants of tissues compounds such as face and arms. In this sense, the director of the Organization, Rafael Matesanz, says that although in these moments may seem a dream manufacture organs, it is no longer so produce fabrics: we are still in a preliminary stage, but the procedure is already under way. It seems science fiction, but if we succeed we can get an organ factory. These statements are based on the results of multiple investigations. Among them is regeneration and recovery of capacity functional hearts damaged by the implantation of stem cells, research developed by Gregorio Maranon hospital and an American group that has achieved positive results in mice.

The Organism

From the psychological point of view, it is a State affective, emotional, necessary for the correct adaptation of the organism to the environment, causing anxiety in the person. From the social and cultural point of view, the fear can be part of the character of the person or social organization. You can therefore learn to feared objects or contexts, and can also learn not to fear them, is related in complex ways with other feelings (fear of fear, fear of love, fear of death, fear of ridicule) and has close relation with the different elements of culture. For some, the fear in humans, does not save any physiological relationship (such as alert reaction), but will be a product of consciousness, which expands our knowledge level. Yogananda gives us in this regard, to remember that the human brain is a store of energy. This energy is being constantly used in muscle movements, in the work of the heart, the lungs and the diaphragm, in the metabolism of the tissue and blood cells and in the work of the system telephone sensitivo-motor of the nerves. Besides all this, a tremendous amount of life energy is consumed in all intellectual, emotional and volitional processes. We must be tuned in as we use our energy, we handle our emotions, internal stimuli and external, everything that generates and uses our energy, to avoid all things that deteriorate it, is wasted and that along produces us psychic and physical effects such as for example the fear. Very interesting information, that the mechanism that triggers fear is found, both in people and in animals, in the brain, specifically in the limbic system that is responsible for regulating emotions, the struggle, the escape and avoidance of pain, and in general of all the functions of the individual and the species conservation. This system checks constantly (even during sleep) all the information that it receives through the senses, and makes it through the structure called the amygdala, which controls the basic emotions, such as fear and affection, and is responsible for locating the source of the danger.