THE MULTIFACETED ONES OF THE LETRAMENTO Thays Macedo Mascarenhas Master UNEB – Campus II This text is part of a mestrado research of, carried through in a School of the field, in Fair of Santana, the Bahia. It excites a theoretical quarrel that bases the conception of letramento. For this, I present estimated and theoretical quarrels on the subject, focusing that practical of reading and the writing in the scope of the school they have discredited the orientation of letramento of its pupils, therefore for many educators, the letramento still is on only to the alfabetizao, to the act to learn to read and to write, disrespecting that the letramentos are multiple and situated, that is, depends on the social and cultural contexts. Letramento: between rules and concepts In the last few decades, it occurred a transformation in the form of if understanding the reading and the writing. The language passes to be interpreted as a dynamic process and the letramento started to be debated the Brazilian educational scene. The term letramento was used for the first time in Brazil, for Mary Kato, in 1986, in the text ' ' In the world of the writing: a perspective psicolingstica' ' , published for the publishing company It stokes. Two years later, it started to represent a referencial in the speech of the education, to the being defined for Tfouni (1988) in ' ' Adults not alfabetizados: avesso of avesso' ' retaken in posterior publications.
The underlying concepts to the Brazilian term letramento already were argued by the school of thought and intitled research New Literacy Studies (New Studies of the Letramento), mainly in the countries of English language. As To sound (1998), the denomination letramento is a version, in Portuguese, of the English word ' ' literacy' '. Kleiman (1995, P. 81) defines letramento ' ' as a set of practical social that uses the writing, while symbolic system and while technology, in specific contexts, for objectives especficos' '.