Organizational Perspective

With the passing of the years, organizations have made a kind of feedback on steps first authors have left or scholars of the subject. Several theories or organizational schools have given guidelines for investigations and studies that are performed every day are more deep and create smart organizations are facing. The current and previous experiences we are demonstrating that the main element or part key within any business entity is talent human, only organizations that can recognize this element as such, and dare to discover and encourage the enthusiasm, the ability of learning and renewal of this talent at all organizational levels, will be that have the tools to face the continuous changes that occur on a daily basis and exit unscathed the crisis that generated these stages as such. Therefore we could say that in terms of organizations we have and will continue to evolve, since the objective being sought is to provide quality and satisfaction with products and services offered. It is clear that these two elements (quality and satisfaction) are not absolute, so it requires ongoing work in a planned way, introducing the principles and practices of science of knowledge, with the goal of increasing the effectiveness of individual and organization as such. This whole series of events have led to the implementation of what we now call organizational development, in which apply values that tend to be optimistic, humanist and democratic. Values humanist proclaim the importance of people, consider that all of them have the same potential for growth and development. Also the optimistic values marked us guidelines for believing that rationality, reason and goodwill are instruments to progress; on the other hand the democratic values, highlight the right of persons to be free from arbitrary abuse of power and in search of a deal fair and equitable for all. Then before the phenomenon of the OJ can highlight that there are countries and organizations on advantages and disadvantages in the sense that countries and organizations are not at the same level economically speaking, there are developed countries (United States, Canada, China, France) among others that have a high income for the capital, a powerful and technologically advanced industry; a high standard of living that is reflected in the development of infrastructure and in the quantity and quality of sanitation, educational and cultural services.

State Streets

They need to have immediate actions to solve the problem, certainly the question not this related the vehicles mainly after recent acquisition of viatura for the Government of the State, but yes in placing the cash in the streets, exactly being specialist in public security this I did not seem to be an obvious question. As suggestive measures, it would be opportune that a civilian policeman was placed, making patrols of comment daily in them you square of bigger occurrence of roberies and robberies; ‘ ‘ Cosme and Damio’ ‘ that thus they are called popularly double of you police making walked in residential and commercial areas; ciclistas policemen; if possible he polices to institute it mounted, to make partnerships with other states copying what he has of positive in term of ostensive policing. In the central region of the next capital the avenue JK, few is the houses that had not been invaded by thieves, beyond the roberies and robberies the students who are many had you vary them schools in the immediacy, the society it does not desire more to see for the printed authorities presented action without results, is necessary to present the algemados malandros, it are of the streets and you belong to return them of the good men. Conclusion These facts make to remember to the deceased Senator Antonio Carlos Magalhes, who said: ‘ ‘ In the Bahia outlaw it does not make carreira’ ‘ , really the crime never organized had much space for there when it governed. However, we conclude hopeful with sensitization of the men who also lead the Public Security so that not only let us have a Tocantins of work chance, but that he provides to its population tranquillity to arrive at its homes after one day productive of devotion to the chosen State to live. Believing the promise of the governor to carry through a reorganization of the military policy to give to greaters conditions of policing in the streets.

‘ ‘ Today I cannot to place the colonels to make ostensive policing in the streets.

Transitional Padding

The party would have to show the potential of the agricultural production of the imperial lands that since its occupation had been seen as a promising agricultural colony that would supply the city of Rio De Janeiro of vegetables and vegetables. While the party of agriculture was projected, enslaved workers were announced for sale, as in the periodical ‘ ‘ The Mercantil’ ‘ , of 16 of January of 1875. In that number, we can find in its final part the following announcement; ‘ ‘ Slave to vender: vende a slave of half age, for reasonable price, for information in this typographia.’ ‘ Then the future signatory of the Golden Law had influence in the organization of the said agricultural exposition that if would make in Petrpolis in blunting of February of 1875; therefore who was the proper Isabel Princess has the idea to carry through the said event, taken ahead and developed for already mentioned Paolino Alfonso Nunes Pear tree and August captain Rocha Fragoso. The event searched to be solemn and to point out all the natural wealth that the ground of imperial lands; even though it are of city had the concern of the organizadores of arregimentar illustrious figures that could be gifts in the said exposition and to verify the high degree of civility, europesmo and natural product quality that if they verified where in the land rested the real family.